Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I'm alive.

Yes, finally a page to call my own. A brief introduction on myself - growing up on this tiny dot known as Singapore where it only takes an hour to drive from the east to the west. Therefore, many Singaporeans are travelling to different countries every year.

I myself really enjoy travelling too but sad to say, there are still so many places I want to go to. Taking a tour package is not for me as there are places I want to stop to take in the beautiful sights and food I want to try. And of course, to sit down by a cafe people watching and embracing the lifestyle and culture.

However, intensive research is needed before you can embark on your adventure. Hence, I would like to use my page here to share with you the places I have been to and directions on how to get there. Hopefully, this blog will be helpful to a few of you out there.

Stay tune for my next post. ^^


  1. Hi..I am going to Korea for the first time this May and I find your blog very interesting and helpful. Like yourself, I love exploring the world as living in Singapore can be dense and stressful due to its limited places to explore..

  2. Hi there, thanks for dropping by and glad that you find something helpful here. Have a wonderful time in Korea. Happy traveling!! ^^


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