Sunday, May 5, 2013

The land of the Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid of Copenhagen
Next up, let me take you on a trip in search for the Little Mermaid. No, I'm not talking about Ariel from the Disney animation but the famous Little Mermaid of Copenhagen from the fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen.

Arriving in the beautiful city of Copenhagen, I took a train to Nørreport which takes about 30 minutes from the airport.

There, my friend was waiting waiting for me to take me to his apartment which will be my home for my stay here in Copenhagen.

First of all, let me try to explain how the train tickets work. The different areas are divided by different zones and you will need to determine your fare by which zone you will be going. So you can purchase a 2 zones card or 3 zones card depending on your destination.

There will be a machine at the train station where you can punch the number of zones you need. For example, traveling 4 zones would require you to punch in twice on the 2 zones card.

Sounds a little complicated but you will get the hang of it and feel free to ask the staff at the train station and they will be more than willing to help. After all, surveys has shown that the Danes are the happiest people in the word. =)

To help you navigate how you can reach the city from the airport, here is a map with the various zones in Copenhagen. You can find our more from the DSB website.

The Zonal Transport system in Copenhagen
And it's time to grab a bite after the long flight from Singapore and so my friend took me for some Danish pastries. We went to the popular Lagkagehuset and the pastries here was really delicious. There are several outlets available in the city of Copenhagen. One of the best pastries I ever had and would definitely come back for more.

Lagkagehuset in Copenhagen

Danish pastries at Lagkagehuset

Danish pastries at Lagkagehuset
Let me finish my Spandauer (a sweet danish delight with creamy custard) and the other equally appetizing Danish pastries before I take you on a tour of Strøget, the longest pedestrian walking street in Europe. ^^ 

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